Race starts in:
Race starts in:
29.04.2023. godine u okviru projekta Coinis No Limits Triatlon, sa početkom na glavnom gradskom trku održaće se trke na 100m za djecu uzrasta do 7 godina (uz mogućnost pratnje roditelja) i na 200 m za djecu uzrasta od 8 do 12 godina (početak u 18h).
* Prijave se vrše putem linka koji se nalazi na dnu stranice.
On 29th of April 2023 within the project Coinis No Limits Triathlon, starting at the main town square, race will be held for children aged 7 and under on 100m track (with possibillity of parents accompanying them) and for children aged 8 to 12 on a 200m track (starting at 6 pm)
* Applications are made by following the link at the bottom of the page.